Monday, November 8, 2010

Book Blogger Holiday Swap!

Would you like to participate in a Book Blogger Holiday Swap?  Now's the time to enter!  If you're like me and have never participated, here's the basic information:  Book Blogger Holiday swap is an annual Secret Santa gift exchange between book bloggers, now in its fourth year.  You sign up by
filling in the Google Form on their special blog.  You have until the
14th of November to do so. You’ll then be randomly assigned another blogger, whose Secret Santa you’ll be.  Personally, I'm Jewish, so perhaps I will be a Secret Latke or a Secret Maccabee, I'm not sure yet.  I kind of like the ring of the Secret Latke, though.  

Thanks to Sarah at Greenbeanteenqueen for the heads-up on this annual event!

1 comment:

Stephanie (Books Are A Girl's Best Friend) said...

I think this is a wonderful idea but I don't think I'll be participating this year. Have fun!